
目前显示的是 五月, 2022的博文

高市兒童疫苗施打率六都第一 陳其邁呼籲市民盡快施打疫苗

In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection. Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality. Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks. A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing 記者許高祥/高雄報導 ▲高市兒童疫苗施打率為六都第一! 南部地區本週進入高原期,高雄確診率緩步上升下降,為確保醫療量能足夠來照顧中重症及輕症病人,高市持續於6/1-6/5加開5-11歲兒童疫苗接種特別門診,此外,6-11歲兒童莫德納疫苗接種,可至高市301家合約院所...

TWICE全員登日雜誌封面! 子瑜賣萌照撩爆粉絲

HA-0218G-NF Applications:  2GHz to 18GHz  6061 Aluminum metal alloy  Stainless Steel N-female  Taiwan Design, Made in Taiwan Features: High Power 300W (peak) 150W (Cont)  DC Short lightning protection  Low VSWR  Uniform Gain  Consolidated performance database The horn antennas of the FT-RF horn double ridged antenna series are characterized by an enormous broad frequency range from 2GHz to 18GHz and very high input powers reach to 300W. The gain increases with increasing frequency up to max 17 dBi. The products are in stock and can be shipped It is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for microwave and EMC measurements. This antenna has a more uniform gain and antenna factor because of the better behavior of its radiation pattern. For EMC/ EMC testing:  Pre-compliance testing lowers the chances of certification failure. You can make adjustments throughout the design phase with pre-compliance testing....

鋒面及西南風影響 花蓮秀林時雨量91毫米最多

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna , which operates in the 890-960MHz frequency band with various strength levels. The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation. For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential. Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including 868MHz LoRa antenna (Abbr. LoRa EU868 for Europe market), 915 MHz LoRa Antenna, 923 MHz LoRa Antenna (Abbr. AS923 for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. (中央社記者張雄風台北31日電)氣象局表示,今天受鋒面及西南風影響,時雨量以花蓮縣秀林鄉達91毫米最多;截至下午5時10分,累積雨量以新北坪林159毫米最多;今天也是氣象局首次發布山區暴雨警示訊息。 中央氣象局表...

居酒屋醬油罐發霉 店長認了員工缺失

We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including LoRa antenna EU868, US915 or AS923 MHz LoRa Antenna ( for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. This range of products are including:  -   868MHz series   (LoRa EU868) - 828MHz series (824MHz-896MHz frequency range) - 821MHz series (multi-frequency range 824-960MHz and 1710-2170MHz) 記者潘靚緯/台中報導 ▲網友到台中一家居酒屋消費,打開醬油壺蓋,驚見發霉景象直呼太噁。(圖/翻攝自爆怨公社) 一名網友30日在《爆怨公社》發文,踢爆「台中衛生超爆噁居酒屋,不知道有多少人吃到黴菌醬油!」,更附上醬油壺蓋子發霉的噁心照片,文章一出立刻引起1萬多名網友熱議,並肉搜店家狂刷1星評價,甚至將店家改名「醬油發霉屋」。該店店長表示已向當事人致歉,並做出補償,開業8年以來第一次發生這種事,坦承店內沒有做好清潔,員工教育訓練有缺失。 ▲▼遭投訴的台中居酒屋將停業兩周,店內環境、設備全面清潔。(圖/翻攝畫面) 該名網友在《爆怨公社》發文,抱怨到台中一家居酒屋消費卻「大踩雷」,不只醬油蓋子發霉,向店家反應後,店員竟然只是默默把醬油收走,完全沒有任何表示;隨後店家送來的水壺也不乾淨,底部隱約覆蓋一層青苔,讓她覺得相當反胃。文章一出,大批網友湧入臉書抨擊,甚至在Google評論,狂洗一星留言,店家被迫關閉臉書。 吳姓店長表示,當天客人坐在包廂,用餐到一半就發...

劉品言一現身 鍾欣凌:誰准妳露腿?

衛視中文台原創家庭廚藝競賽節目《鴻門家宴 婆媳廚房》,由Ella與李玉璽搭檔主持,鍾欣凌、索艾克擔任饕客評審長,客座評審名單亦是星光熠熠,除了首集的Selina,劉品言、林美秀、王彩樺、詹姆士、巴鈺、曾國城及于美人都將現身擔任評審,重磅陣容精彩可期。 劉品言現身,鍾欣凌婆婆上身。(圖/衛視中文台) 日前錄影劉品言上節目擔任客座評審,因為戲劇合作鍾欣凌和劉品言曾飾演一對婆媳,和評審長鍾欣凌的互動格外有趣,像是當被問拿手料理時,劉品言一臉驕傲的說:「哇!也太多了!」 讓一旁的「婆婆」鍾欣凌聽到後忍不住當場脫掉自己的高跟鞋,作勢往「大媳婦」頭上敲,沒想到劉品言剛好回頭看到笑說:「換高跟鞋啦,婆婆」兩人互動滿滿歡樂戲感,也讓主持人Ella笑說最喜歡看這種婆媳鬥爭了。 日前錄影邀請劉品言擔任客座評審,有備而來的她一出場有如走上星光大道般現身,吸引眾人目光讓現場所有人直呼好正,沒想到「婆婆」鍾欣凌看到「大媳婦」出現馬上戲魂上身:「誰准妳露腿、誰准妳穿名牌、誰准妳穿高跟鞋!」反應很快的劉品言趕緊走到鍾欣凌身邊,邊笑邊輕推一下鍾欣凌肩膀說:「不要這樣嘛!婆」,不過鍾欣凌沒打算放過劉品言,立刻追問知道洗碗是什麼東西嗎?只見劉品言一副嬌弱可愛的回說:「都是婆婆在洗的」,節目一開始兩人就呼應節目主題上演婆媳廚房相爭橋段,讓現場所有人笑翻。 衛視中文台即將在暑假檔期推出衛視原創家庭廚藝競賽節目《鴻門家宴 婆媳廚房》,全新內容再次邀請Ella與李玉璽搭檔主持,鍾欣凌、索艾克擔任饕客評審長,除了延續以家庭為單位參賽特色外,更鎖定參賽家庭為婆媳與兒子的三人組合。 本文來自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8A%89%E5%93%81%E8%A8%80%E4%B8%80%E7%8F%BE%E8%BA%AB-%E9%8D%BE%E6%AC%A3%

31日鋒面及西南風影響易有雷陣雨 大台北防豪雨

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna , which operates in the 890-960MHz frequency band with various strength levels. The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation. For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential. Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including 868MHz LoRa antenna (Abbr. LoRa EU868 for Europe market), 915 MHz LoRa Antenna, 923 MHz LoRa Antenna (Abbr. AS923 for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. (中央社記者張雄風台北30日電)氣象局今天表示,明天鋒面接近及西南風影響,苗栗以南不定時會有局部短暫陣雨或雷雨,大台北則可能會有局部大雨或豪雨;預計6月1日至6日鋒面北移,端午連假各地降雨以午後雷陣雨為主。 中央...

積極紮根學子海洋素養 國海院攜手中正高中辦理「國際海洋研習營」

HA-0218G-NF Applications:  2GHz to 18GHz  6061 Aluminum metal alloy  Stainless Steel N-female  Taiwan Design, Made in Taiwan Features: High Power 300W (peak) 150W (Cont)  DC Short lightning protection  Low VSWR  Uniform Gain  Consolidated performance database The horn antennas of the FT-RF horn double ridged antenna series are characterized by an enormous broad frequency range from 2GHz to 18GHz and very high input powers reach to 300W. The gain increases with increasing frequency up to max 17 dBi. The products are in stock and can be shipped It is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for microwave and EMC measurements. This antenna has a more uniform gain and antenna factor because of the better behavior of its radiation pattern. For EMC/ EMC testing:  Pre-compliance testing lowers the chances of certification failure. You can make adjustments throughout the design phase with pre-compliance testing....

散佈「很多孩子走了」 多粉專齊轉發

HA-0218G-NF Applications:  2GHz to 18GHz  6061 Aluminum metal alloy  Stainless Steel N-female  Taiwan Design, Made in Taiwan Features: High Power 300W (peak) 150W (Cont)  DC Short lightning protection  Low VSWR  Uniform Gain  Consolidated performance database The horn antennas of the FT-RF horn double ridged antenna series are characterized by an enormous broad frequency range from 2GHz to 18GHz and very high input powers reach to 300W. The gain increases with increasing frequency up to max 17 dBi. The products are in stock and can be shipped It is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for microwave and EMC measurements. This antenna has a more uniform gain and antenna factor because of the better behavior of its radiation pattern. For EMC/ EMC testing:  Pre-compliance testing lowers the chances of certification failure. You can make adjustments throughout the design phase with pre-compliance testing....


In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection. Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality. Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks. A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing ▲有位女網友分享求職近期,投履歷到某公司A部門,卻在第二次面試變成到B部門並直接錄取,結局曝光更讓不少前輩驚呼羨慕。(示意圖,非當事人/取自Pexels) 面試後立刻錄取人的工作,真的都是爛缺嗎?就有位女網友分享求職近期,投履歷到某公司A部門,卻在第二次面試變成到B...

〈宗教〉失智照護新戲感人 慈濟辦見面會

In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection. Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality. Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks. A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing 慈濟嘉義聯絡處舉辦失智者與劇中演員感恩見面會。(記者湯朝村攝) 記者湯朝村∕嘉義報導 大愛電視年度大戲「你好,我是誰」劇情感人,播出後引發失智照護家庭共鳴,獲廣大觀眾熱烈回響。劇中主要演員28日在嘉義市慈濟嘉義聯絡處舉辦感恩見面會,分享拍攝心得和溫馨故事。 700M...

中年男粉大跳〈愛你〉 林育羣自爆13年前當過「王心凌男孩」

「王心凌男孩」風潮! 中年男粉大跳「愛你」 林育羣曝13年前當過舞群 王心凌在大陸綜藝唱跳《愛你》,人氣再翻紅!這也掀起許多歌迷的回憶,最近不少大陸中年男粉絲被稱作「王心凌男孩」,只要一聽到電視上播放《愛你》,就會放下手邊跟著跳舞,甚至還流行起女友或老婆拍另一半看到王心凌時的反應。 2004年夢幻遊園地演唱會:「Oh Bye 少說一點,想陪你不只一天,多一點,讓我心甘情願,愛你。」 綁起雙辮子,穿連身粉紅蓬蓬裙,甜心教主王心凌,2004年在演唱會上,賣力唱跳成名曲「愛你」,18年過去了,王心凌仍保持甜美外型和嗓音,因為大陸綜藝節目,登上熱搜冠軍,喚起七八年級生青春時代。 微博大叔:「心凌,心凌,王心凌。」 微博大叔:「王心凌耶,Oh baby,情話多說一點,想我就多看一眼。」 一聽到王心凌的歌聲,中年男粉絲,立刻放下手邊的工作支持,或是看著看著,嘴角就不自覺上揚,還有人身體的體內細胞,彷彿活了起來,跟著王心凌又唱又跳,讓拍攝的老婆看見這一幕,都哭笑不得。 最可怕男孩:「王心凌男孩請求出道,哈哈哈,Oh baby 情話多說一點,(邊跳邊魔性笑聲)。」 這些中年男粉絲,被稱作「王心凌男孩」,在小紅書和抖音上,還掀起拍老公(男友)看到王心凌時的反應風潮,過往王心凌唱歌作品,陸續被翻出,美聲歌手林育羣也透露,13年前當過王心凌舞群。 心電心MV:「手心貼手心,一起心電心。」 穿著白T藍色連身褲,林育羣站在王心凌左後方,跟著她,認真唱跳「心電心」,姿勢超到味,還一起參加2009年台中跨年表演。 2010跨年現場:「這一個城市已經被愛佔據,誰逃的開,愛的攻擊。」 林育羣還說,王心凌不管在任何演出,唱跳都開麥沒在對嘴的,穩定度真的非常強大,王心凌「愛你」熱潮,隨著節目撥出,持續在兩岸發燒。 更多 TVBS 報導 王心凌借過!網認「她」才是平民天后 這首歌全台都會唱 《愛你》太火紅! 傳王心凌身價狂漲「一季代言進帳千萬」 《愛你》翻紅!男聲RAP超洗腦 他問「怎麼唱」掀話題 王心凌爆紅!最渣前男友范植偉疑酸「老天鵝」 她也遭殃 本文引用自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%8E%8B%E5%BF%83%E5%87%8C%E7%94%B7%E5%AD%A9-%E9%A2%A8%E6%BD%AE-%E4%B8%AD

影/讓對手坐飛機被吹T 周資華5字經辱裁判!遭T1懲處

We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including LoRa antenna EU868, US915 or AS923 MHz LoRa Antenna ( for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. This range of products are including:  -   868MHz series   (LoRa EU868) - 828MHz series (824MHz-896MHz frequency range) - 821MHz series (multi-frequency range 824-960MHz and 1710-2170MHz) 記者劉彥池/綜合報導 ▲言語侮辱裁判,周資華遭禁賽2場罰款5萬。(圖/T1提供) 2022年5月26日季後賽臺中葳格太陽客場出戰新北中信特攻,葳格太陽球員周資華在比賽中對裁判言語侮辱,聯盟27日召開重大事件決策委員會進行仲裁。 仲裁結果認定,周資華的行為已嚴重傷害聯盟形象並危及裁判人身安全,將依照賽務規章第17條第3點,處以5萬元罰款及禁賽2場,未來罰款將作為公益基金,在球季結束後用於協助籃球基層發展。至對於裁判所涉之公然侮辱等情,聯盟亦將尊重裁判是否追訴之決定。 事情的起因是第一節50秒,中信特攻投籃沒進,林秉聖從禁區外衝進來起跳搶籃板,周資華在籃下用身體讓他坐飛機,裁判審視比賽畫面後吹出違反運動道德犯規,周資華在對手罰球時疑似對裁判出言不遜再被吹1次技術犯規遭到驅逐出場,裁判響哨後,周資華還衝到裁判面前拍手挑釁,甚至飆5字經。 ▲周資華言語侮辱裁判。(影片來源:ELEVEN SPORTS TAIWAN,若遭移除請見諒。) ...

連2天多雲到晴 31日起鋒面接近轉不穩定

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna , which operates in the 890-960MHz frequency band with various strength levels. The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation. For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential. Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including 868MHz LoRa antenna (Abbr. LoRa EU868 for Europe market), 915 MHz LoRa Antenna, 923 MHz LoRa Antenna (Abbr. AS923 for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. (中央社記者余曉涵台北28日電)氣象局表示,明後天的天氣穩定,各地都多雲到晴,高溫都在攝氏30度以上,31日起鋒面靠近,天氣轉趨不穩定,屆時西半部將有局部短暫陣雨。 中央氣象局預報員趙竑告訴中央社記者,明天及後天...

彭佳慧攜手壞特?te 《舊夢》新唱

In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection. Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality. Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks. A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing 記者于成虎、童雅筠/台北報導 hito流行音樂獎頒獎典禮在小巨蛋登場!金曲歌后彭佳慧、金曲新人壞特?te獨家合體,為經典金曲《舊夢》注入新靈魂。 歌手彭佳慧vs.歌手壞特?te:「微微風湧起舊夢,拾起一片回憶如葉落。」 舊夢旋律讓人彷彿墜入時光隧道,金曲歌后彭佳慧跟...