
In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection.
Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality.
Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks.

A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing


台灣大哥大總經理承諾合併後仍會履行合約。 (圖/翻攝自中央社)

▲台灣大哥大總經理承諾合併後仍會履行合約。 (圖/翻攝自中央社)


合併消息來得突然,不少用戶紛紛到台灣之星粉絲專頁留言,擔心自己的權益受損,「之前合約是說終身188元4G,不限速吃到飽,現在會改嗎?」、「之前辦的188合約到期後還是可以一樣繼續保有188 4G不限速吃到飽嗎?合約不會被台哥大耍手段變了吧?」、「那0元終身免月租的門號會受影響嗎?」。

面對大批用戶的擔憂,台灣大哥大總經理林之晨,今在記者會上也強調合併後會承諾履行雙方合約,也指出兩邊合併後共有 980 萬用戶,台灣之星持有之 900MHz、2600MHz 頻譜,與台灣大持有的 700MHz、1800MHz、2100MHz、3.5GHz、28GHz 頻譜互補,未來最高將可以提供高達 7CA 的 5G NR CA 同時滿足低頻穿透、中頻容量與高頻極速的 5G 需求,在全台超過 1.1 萬部 5G 基地台。


引用自: https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=1050373



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