
目前显示的是 三月, 2022的博文

螢幕史上最大!三星Tab S8登場

In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection. Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality. Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks. A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing 記者谷庭/台北報導 ▲ 建議安卓用戶盡快檢查手機。(圖/資料照)  安卓手機用戶注意,快檢查你有沒有下載到這款App,因為根據外媒《ZDNet》報導,法國資安公司Pradeo發現,有一款名稱為「 Facestealer 」的照片編輯 App,裡面藏有木馬程式...


In broadcast engineering, a panel antenna is a directional antenna that is widely used to obtain a wireless Internet connection. Directional antennas receive and broadcast a signal in only one direction, resulting in better signal quality. Panel antennas, for example, are used in underdeveloped countries to improve the range and functionality of wireless Internet networks. A panel antenna is shaped like a panel and is typically fixed on a mounting bracket on the exterior or inside of a building. It can also be mounted on a swivel mount, allowing the user to adjust the antenna for optimal signal reception. This type of antenna is usually one-directional, with less mobility side-to-side and up-and-down than an omnidirectional antenna, which can swivel and entirely change its location. Two U-bolt brackets and waterproof were supplied in one piece of packing 記者樓冠陞/綜合報導 印度中西部馬哈拉施特拉邦(Maharashtra)有1間賓士名車的製造工廠,除了面臨晶片短缺與全球供應鏈吃緊的雙重打擊外,日前還突然有1隻花豹闖入其中,嚇得現場員工紛紛逃離,導致該工廠因此停工數小時。 700MHz to 8GHz Double...


HA-0218G-NF Applications:  2GHz to 18GHz  6061 Aluminum metal alloy  Stainless Steel N-female  Taiwan Design, Made in Taiwan Features: High Power 300W (peak) 150W (Cont)  DC Short lightning protection  Low VSWR  Uniform Gain  Consolidated performance database The horn antennas of the FT-RF horn double ridged antenna series are characterized by an enormous broad frequency range from 2GHz to 18GHz and very high input powers reach to 300W. The gain increases with increasing frequency up to max 17 dBi. The products are in stock and can be shipped It is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for microwave and EMC measurements. This antenna has a more uniform gain and antenna factor because of the better behavior of its radiation pattern. For EMC/ EMC testing:  Pre-compliance testing lowers the chances of certification failure. You can make adjustments throughout the design phase with pre-compliance testing....

一分鐘報天氣/週二(03/29日) 週二降雨減少氣溫回升 週三鋒面通過多雨至週末

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna , which operates in the 890-960MHz frequency band with various strength levels. The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation. For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential. Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including 868MHz LoRa antenna (Abbr. LoRa EU868 for Europe market), 915 MHz LoRa Antenna, 923 MHz LoRa Antenna (Abbr. AS923 for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. 明天天氣如何? 今天(28日)在華南雲雨區及東北季風的影響下,嘉義以北及宜花地區普遍仍是不穩定、陰有陣雨的天氣型態,臺南以南到臺東地區相對穩定,最南邊恆春半島甚至有出太陽。因此氣溫感受也是有下雨跟沒下雨的地方差異...

江少慶4局無責失 開季先發輪值調整

We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including LoRa antenna EU868, US915 or AS923 MHz LoRa Antenna ( for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. This range of products are including:  -   868MHz series   (LoRa EU868) - 828MHz series (824MHz-896MHz frequency range) - 821MHz series (multi-frequency range 824-960MHz and 1710-2170MHz) 記者蕭保祥/高雄報導 ▲江少慶是富邦王牌投手。(圖/富邦悍將球團提供) 台灣中華職棒富邦悍將25日晚間熱身賽在斗六球場以1比5敗給味全龍,江少慶先發4局用71球掉1分非責失,悍將開幕戰是4月3日在台中洲際球場面對中信兄弟,江少慶調整接上開季沒問題。 江少慶主投4局被敲出5支安打,掉1分非責失,有4次三振。江國豪中繼1局面對3人次用10顆球,Luis Escobar(艾思凱)1局用39球,被擊出5支安打掉3分,有2次三振與1個保送。 味全龍則是Jake Brigham(布里悍)先發4局用42球,被敲出3支安打掉1分,有4次三振,後援投手林逸達、劉昱言、呂偉晟、王玉譜與陳冠偉各投1局,投手群只用99球拿到27個出局數。 ▲Escobar熱身賽登板。(圖/富邦悍將球團提供) 拿莫伊漾打8棒游擊手先發,4打數擊出3支安打。 富邦則是測試Xavier Batista(霸帝士)守一壘,4打數無安打、遭到1次三振,兩場熱身賽8支0、遭到5次三振。 ...

勞工補貼至9月底截止 約有66萬人尚未申請

HA-0218G-NF Applications:  2GHz to 18GHz  6061 Aluminum metal alloy  Stainless Steel N-female  Taiwan Design, Made in Taiwan Features: High Power 300W (peak) 150W (Cont)  DC Short lightning protection  Low VSWR  Uniform Gain  Consolidated performance database The horn antennas of the FT-RF horn double ridged antenna series are characterized by an enormous broad frequency range from 2GHz to 18GHz and very high input powers reach to 300W. The gain increases with increasing frequency up to max 17 dBi. The products are in stock and can be shipped It is suitable for both transmitting and receiving purposes, especially suitable for microwave and EMC measurements. This antenna has a more uniform gain and antenna factor because of the better behavior of its radiation pattern. For EMC/ EMC testing:  Pre-compliance testing lowers the chances of certification failure. You can make adjustments throughout the design phase with pre-compliance testing....

一分鐘報天氣/週二(03/29日) 週二降雨減少氣溫回升 週三鋒面通過多雨至週末

LoRa antenna which has long-range coverage while maximizing radio spectrum use is provided by the FT-RF fiberglass Omnidirectional outdoor antenna , which operates in the 890-960MHz frequency band with various strength levels. The UV-resistant fiberglass shell enables all-weather operation. For lightning protection, it is made of copper elements and coupled to the DC ground potential. Any type and length of cable can be terminated with a female N-Type connector. We offer a variety of high-performance antennas for Global LoRaWAN, including 868MHz LoRa antenna (Abbr. LoRa EU868 for Europe market), 915 MHz LoRa Antenna, 923 MHz LoRa Antenna (Abbr. AS923 for Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan market...) ... Our product line includes both durable outdoor antennas and indoor high-performance dipole antennas that are suitable for a variety of LoRa applications, including Helium hotspot support. 明天天氣如何? 今天(28日)在華南雲雨區及東北季風的影響下,嘉義以北及宜花地區普遍仍是不穩定、陰有陣雨的天氣型態,臺南以南到臺東地區相對穩定,最南邊恆春半島甚至有出太陽。因此氣溫感受也是有下雨跟沒下雨的地方差異...


聯詠科技公司總部。(圖/翻攝自GoogleMap) 太扯了!工程師坐擁高薪已經讓許多人羨慕不已,結果昨(29)日外號「滷肉」的驅動IC龍頭大廠聯詠(3034)公布分紅獎金,明細曝光震驚外界,據傳平均上看30個月,甚至有員工曬出薪資單,分紅獎金「破千萬」,光分紅就超過去年年薪,在網路引起熱議。 聯詠科技分紅獎金超驚人。(圖/翻攝自聯詠科技臉書) 更多新聞:台灣國內旅遊很爛?曝「致命缺點」全場認同:哪來的勇氣 昨天竹科半導體業最熱門的消息就是「滷肉開獎了!」聯詠因為公司英文名稱作「NOVATEK」,被暱稱為「滷肉」,昨天公布分紅,不少員工都收到獎金通知,雖然聯詠並未公開員工平均分紅幾個月,不過有疑似聯詠的資深員工在PTT爆料,今年分紅比去年倍增,平均高達30個月,資深員工甚至高達50個月以上,羨煞眾人。 有員工透露自己拿了超過千萬獎金。(示意圖/shutterstock 達志影像) 另外還有疑似聯詠員工在網路曬出薪資單,分紅獎金總額高達1120萬元,讓網友看了全嚇傻,堪稱近年竹科最驚人的分紅數字,不少人推測原PO應該是資深高層,但也有人分析工程師普遍也能分得300萬元以上的分紅;據了解,聯詠分紅獎金一次公告後會分在3、6、9、12月時平均讓員工領到,但當下員工必須還是在職狀態才能領取。 消息曝光後,不少人笑稱「竹北一坪100不是夢」、「滷肉升級成東坡肉」、「長榮海運輸了」。聯詠去年全年營收1353.66億元,年增69.3%;毛利率49.79%,年增14.82個百分點;營益率35.29%,年增16.81個百分點;稅後純益388.66億元,年增229%;全年EPS 63.87元,營收獲利皆創新高。 更多 TVBS 報導 文科生就業弱勢?「這項優點」勝工程師 科技業搶著要 新竹5間IG必打卡早午餐!超澎湃餐點療癒身心靈 逛百貨撿到錢!「金額曝光」嚇傻網友:竹北人的氣魄 逛街見這幕嚇呆!他驚「新竹年收300萬基本?」網抖真相 今日推薦影音 本文來自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E9%95%B7%E6%A6%AE%E6%B5%B7%E9%81%8B%E8%BC%B8%E4%BA%86-%E7%AB%B9%E7%A7%91%